2010年10月21日 星期四
2010年10月20日 星期三

"In 1996, a Web site that purports to be the work of an adolescent girl appeared at http://mouchette.org/. Visitors to the site are greeted with a lurid close-up of a flower, its petals crawling with ants and flies, accompanied by a portrait of a sad-looking girl and the following text: "My name is Mouchette/I live in Amsterdam/I am nearly 13 years old/I am an artist." "
My impression of this webstie is embrassing and strange.No matter the web page design, the theme or the "message" that the artist wants to express are weird.It is barely possible that the artist was only 13 years-old.And this reminds me that fake idenity is usual on Internet.
Besides, I feel embrassed while surfing this web page. It disturbs me to have a deeper and deeper look even I was alone.
Online identity
1)I have 6 or more online identities,such as facebook,hotmail,xanga......
2)And some of those online identities' would contain some fake personal data and information of mine.And I think those online identities can show characters that different to my "in person" identities,for example I am quite emotional in daily life,but when I use my online identities,I can control my mood,as I don't need to react immediately,I can wait and think then just react emotionally.It brings different character to me.
3)It can bring us bravery to express our own viewpoint,as sometimes we may afraid to talk about our feeling towards some people,situations or issues happened in our daily life.Also,it is convenient for us to communicate to others because not eveyone use the same server with me.There are many different severs that people can construct online identities,so we can communicate with people all over the world easily through different severs.
4)Maybe it is easy to expose our personal data online,or even stolen by someome.It will be dangerous for our safty!Or it may bring kind of incomvenient to us as we may forget and mess up our use IDs in different severs that will lead us to lose some important accounts~
2)And some of those online identities' would contain some fake personal data and information of mine.And I think those online identities can show characters that different to my "in person" identities,for example I am quite emotional in daily life,but when I use my online identities,I can control my mood,as I don't need to react immediately,I can wait and think then just react emotionally.It brings different character to me.
3)It can bring us bravery to express our own viewpoint,as sometimes we may afraid to talk about our feeling towards some people,situations or issues happened in our daily life.Also,it is convenient for us to communicate to others because not eveyone use the same server with me.There are many different severs that people can construct online identities,so we can communicate with people all over the world easily through different severs.
4)Maybe it is easy to expose our personal data online,or even stolen by someome.It will be dangerous for our safty!Or it may bring kind of incomvenient to us as we may forget and mess up our use IDs in different severs that will lead us to lose some important accounts~
2010年10月7日 星期四
Do video-sharing sites enhance or worsen creative culture?
In my view point, video-sharing sites enhance creative culture.
It is no doubt that information is approachable.People can use different way to express their feeling,statement,creation......It is convenient to do these things though Internet. Also, it is easy to film video nowadays as we can do this in camera or mobile phone.
Since there are many video-sharing sites appeared, and it is easy to have an account of those services. People are willing to share their videos on the Internet.
Because people can easily make video and watch video on Internet, this encourage people to commit this activity. People want to stand out in the numerous videos on those video-sharing sites. They want their video can become the most popular one on Internet. It leads a competition. It can enchance creative culture.
"It almost seems like there are no external boundaries for the creativity of the community...", Roman Marek mentioned. I totally agree with him. It calms that there are no boundaries to stop those creative activities.
Video-sharing sites also provide communication palform to the public. Users can comment on others' video. It helps to bring improvement to all users. And it encourage users to communicate with other and share their opinion or ideas
It is no doubt that information is approachable.People can use different way to express their feeling,statement,creation......It is convenient to do these things though Internet. Also, it is easy to film video nowadays as we can do this in camera or mobile phone.
Since there are many video-sharing sites appeared, and it is easy to have an account of those services. People are willing to share their videos on the Internet.
Because people can easily make video and watch video on Internet, this encourage people to commit this activity. People want to stand out in the numerous videos on those video-sharing sites. They want their video can become the most popular one on Internet. It leads a competition. It can enchance creative culture.
"It almost seems like there are no external boundaries for the creativity of the community...", Roman Marek mentioned. I totally agree with him. It calms that there are no boundaries to stop those creative activities.
Video-sharing sites also provide communication palform to the public. Users can comment on others' video. It helps to bring improvement to all users. And it encourage users to communicate with other and share their opinion or ideas
2010年10月6日 星期三
"Bus Uncle"
1. How many viewers are estimated to have watched the youtube video?
2. How would you rate the video?
a) Is it of high quality in technical terms? Is it interesting aesthetically eg camera angles, use of light, the narrative, and so on?
I don't think that this is a video with high quality in technical terms. The camera man only tried to record the issue, but not film something aesthetically. No matter the camera angle,use of light,sound,narrtive......were not plan before. The camera man just use a mobile phone to captuere the issue. We can see the frame is raw, the quality is low. Therefore, it is totally not aesthetic.
b) Does it raise interesting socio-cultural issues?
Yes, of cause it did. This video reveals the social problem in Hong Kong. People are stressful, like what the Bus Uncle said in the video, that is "I have pressure. You have pressure too." It is really what Hong Kong people want to yell out too.
The public noticed this issue and paid attention on this. Everyone use the sologn of Bus Uncle: "Not yet resolved". It brings funny and relaxing feeling to the public. This issue might be a bad experience to the two men in the video, but the video brings happiness to the public. Everyone talks about this and laugh on this. What a tough "pressure"!^^
3. Do you think it deserved the attention that it received from the internet community?
2010年10月5日 星期二
Mission To Earth
1)Using "Mission to Earth" as an example, note what is new or different about digital cinema compared to traditional film making? Consider the story and appearance of the film.
"Mission to Earth" is an example of digital cinema.It tells a story of a girl by a totally new way comparing the narrative method of traditional film making.
The frame of the film is divided into several sectors.Different sectors show different images, for example, a sector of repetitive patterns and lines and another sector is about the story of the girl.Sometimes, the patterns are quite abstract that represent the mental states of the girl.
The music of the film is harmonious, calm, peaceful and smooth.
Basically, there is a voiceover telling the story.And the tone of the voiceover is quite flat that just like the radio boardcast.But this can also gives audiences a sense of isolation, alienation and loneliness towards the girl.
The special composition of the frame encourage audiences to be an active viewers.Viewers need to focus on several different images or sectors.Also, they need to use their imagination ,creativity and sensation in linking up the relation between different sectors.
For the viewers of traditional cinema, the easy understaning of the films' plots are always taken for granted.To some extent, this film gives more space for viewers to think and have different interpretations.
Also, this film uses a very new and innovative way to present a story, more like drawing.
It breaks the limitation of traditional film making.
2) What other art forms does this film remind me of?
It reminds me of painting.The sectors include some colour forms to build composition.It is similar to a canon of painting-Piet Mondrian's Composition ll in Red, Blue and Yellow.The colour-squres just look like those in "Mission to Earth".
"Mission to Earth" is an example of digital cinema.It tells a story of a girl by a totally new way comparing the narrative method of traditional film making.
The frame of the film is divided into several sectors.Different sectors show different images, for example, a sector of repetitive patterns and lines and another sector is about the story of the girl.Sometimes, the patterns are quite abstract that represent the mental states of the girl.
The music of the film is harmonious, calm, peaceful and smooth.
Basically, there is a voiceover telling the story.And the tone of the voiceover is quite flat that just like the radio boardcast.But this can also gives audiences a sense of isolation, alienation and loneliness towards the girl.
The special composition of the frame encourage audiences to be an active viewers.Viewers need to focus on several different images or sectors.Also, they need to use their imagination ,creativity and sensation in linking up the relation between different sectors.
For the viewers of traditional cinema, the easy understaning of the films' plots are always taken for granted.To some extent, this film gives more space for viewers to think and have different interpretations.
Also, this film uses a very new and innovative way to present a story, more like drawing.
It breaks the limitation of traditional film making.
2) What other art forms does this film remind me of?
It reminds me of painting.The sectors include some colour forms to build composition.It is similar to a canon of painting-Piet Mondrian's Composition ll in Red, Blue and Yellow.The colour-squres just look like those in "Mission to Earth".
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